Fly Ash: Per ASTM C-618 Specifications.
About Fly Ash!
Fly ash, Coal ash, or Bottom ash also known as stack ash, is one of the remains of combustion materials, comprising fine particles that rise with smoke or flue gases. The ash that does not rise is called bottom ash, and fly ash. It usually refers to the ash produced during the combustion of coal.
Product Information:
Generally, fly ash is captured from electrostatic precipitators or other particulate filtration equipment before reaching the flue gases from coal-fired power plants.
Together with the bottom ash removed from the bottom of the furnace, it is jointly known as coal ash. The components of fly ash vary greatly, but all fly ash contains significant amounts of silicon dioxide (Si02), (both amorphous and crystalline) and calcium oxide (CaO).
Product uses:
Fly Ash is that enhances the performance of concrete by increasing compressive strength, improving workability, durability, long-term strength,
resistance to freeze-thaw damage and reduces permeability, efflorescence shrinkage, thermal cracking,
alkali-silica reaction and sulfate attack in concrete. Using fly ash makes better concrete that is more economical and better for the environment enhances the performance of concrete by increasing compressive strength, improving workability, durability, longterm strength,
resistance to freeze-thaw damage, and reduces permeability, efflorescence shrinkage, thermal cracking,
alkali-silica reaction and sulfate attack in concrete. Using fly ash makes better concrete that is more economical and better for the environment.
Features & Benefits
Fly Ash improves the following concrete characteristics:
• Later-age compressive strength
• Pumpability & workability
• Cohesiveness
• Permeability
• Resistance to chemical attack
• Resistance to chloride ingress
• Drying shrinkage
Technical Specification: Physical/Chemical Data
Standard Packing: Jumbo Bag & Bulk Silos supply.
Storage: Shelf life of 24 months if kept in a dry place, away from sunlight and moisture, with unopened packing.
Handling, Storage & Safety
• Fly Ash may contain crystalline silica and should be used and handled appropriately
• Fly Ash should be stored in a dry environment off the ground.
• Skin Protection: Employees should wear protective clothing to prevent repeated or prolonged skin contact with fly ash.